January 11-12: Chiang Mai

The final leg of my journey back to Vientiane was spent in Chiang Mai, Thailand’s second largest city.  I stayed in the tourist center of town and explored the plethora of temples and shops on foot.  The usual night market was combined with the final remnants of a holiday market downtown, which offered a dizzying array of handicrafts.  The city seemed to me like a more modern version of Vientiane–like the Lao capital it has lots of trendy Western restaurants, but these are supplemented by chain restaurants and a larger ex-pat community, and more tourist attractions.

One of my favorite Chiang Mai moments was when I walked by a local school soccer match being held on the blacktop next to a major temple.  The stands were filled with monks, watching and cheering intently for their teams.  Although I am used to seeing orange-robed monks in Laos all the time, I still find it charming whenever I see them doing “everyday” things, like texting, or going to 7-11 to get a snack.

Most of my visit to Chiang Mai was spent wandering on my own, soaking in images of the city.

See a gallery of all of the Thailand photos here.