I like cheese a lot. I like trying new cheeses. I like most of the Corsican cheeses (all made from goat or sheep milk…they don’t seem to really do the cow thing here) that I’ve tried. But tonight at dinner I discovered that my cheese was alive.
I was really enjoying the brebis (sheep’s cheese), a hard, crumbly tangy cheese, included in the cheese course after my dinner this evening. Enjoying it so much that I decided to look more closely at it, and noticed little specks. Moving specks. As I examined it, I realized that these little mites were ALL over the piece of cheese. Agggh.
I had read about rotten cheese with mites being intentional on some of the islands, supposedly to give it a creamier texture. I’m not sure if this was what that was, or if it’s just something that happens but no one here cares.

However, I had just sliced these big pieces of cheese, and finished having a conversation with the nice old woman serving them about how good Corsican cheese was. So I couldn’t just leave it all on my plate uneaten with her watching and beaming with pride that a foreigner liked the cheese of her home country. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it after scraping off the sides.  Mmm delish.