As many of the other Americans are on the go this Thanksgiving, there will be no giant feast like last year.  I’ll have to make do with my turkey sandwich at falang-favorite Joma Bakery.

It must be fall now because this is on the menu.

Though I am not celebrating by nodding off to sleep in a tryptophan-induced food coma tonight, I still have so many things to be thankful for this year, including:

Friends and family around the world.

Meeting up with friends in all corners of the world (India, Dec. '10).

A job I love.

YLPF1 celebrating Halloween (October '11).


Gliding through the villages of Inle Lake (Burma, April '11).

…and much more.  Still, I’m thinking a bit wistfully this evening about football (the American kind!), Black Friday, the parade, and the official beginning of the overwhelming, yet nostalgic, commercial bombardment of the Christmas season.  And I certainly miss these colors.

2009 in Princeton: the last time I saw fall.