mosque courtyard

mosque courtyard

Yesterday, we visited the Paris mosque, which is the largest in France and was built in the 1920’s to honor North Africans who served for France in WWI.  The parts of the interior that were open to the public (basically everything except for the prayer rooms), were beautiful and ornate, like a small oasis apart from life in the city.  They courteously had shawls to cover up with to meet the dress code, which was convenient after being turned away from many churches in the part for being unprepared and wearing shorts or something else inappropriate.

detail of the mosque tiling

detail of the mosque tiling

The other highlight of the past few days is that we’ve been hosting my roommate Whitney in the apartment, as she was unceremoniously denied entry from the UK after an unpaid internship/lack of work visa debacle (the whole story is ridiculous and could take up several posts).  She’s been an entertaining presence in our lives here, and we’ve been having lots of fun despite her unfortunate situation.  Having another person in the apartment has also apparently inspired us to be more ambitious in the kitchen and actually cook the last two days.  Tonight we made crepes with curry chicken and nutella (seperately, of course), which is quite an accomplishment for me (although Clara did most of the work).