Ornate chandeliers, gold plating, immaculate lawns, complete visual overstimulation–today was spent in Versailles.

L'Orangerie, the orange garden

L’Orangerie, the orange garden

The palace was one of the few main Paris sights I hadn’t seen before this trip, and now I understand why.  Not only is it at least a 45 minute trek from the city, but there is more to see than can even be properly done in a single day, and the admission is so high that it calls for another French Revolution.  But I’m not complaining, because the palace and gardens were nothing short of spectacular.  Boisterous string quartet music was pumped into the gardens through hidden speakers, so I almost felt like nobility, strolling around and commenting on the statues…if only it weren’t for the other tourists.  The palace is ornate almost to the point of nausea (I seriously felt like I had a headache from all the shining gold after we left), and it’s so enormous its hard to imagine anyone actually living there.

Hall of Mirrors

Hall of Mirrors