We’ve been slowly saying goodbye to Paris over the last few days…yet still discovering new things in the process, like a street full of crazy costume fabric shops at the base of the Sacre Coeur, and a trendy Brazilian bar in the heart of the city with music that transports you far from France.  In the meantime, we’re packing up the apartment and visiting our favorite places one last time (today was our final walk to the Eiffel Tower).  The month in Paris seems like it’s absolutely flown by; I feel like we were just unpacking, snacking on our first baguettes, and trying to figure out the tempermental appliances here.  But at the same time, it seems like we’re had a small lifetime here, and our visit to the catacombs, my roommate’s unexpected arrival from London, and my pesto escargots seem like eons ago.  I feel very confident in Paris after these four weeks: I rarely even have to pull out my metro map to navigate anymore, I know at least five grocery stores in my neighborhood and which are best, I could draw a map of the city with all the landmarks.  But I’ve also gained the sense that all this is only the tip of the iceberg, and that I could spend years discovering the ins and outs of Paris before feeling like I’d really “seen it all.”

Today, I met up with my cousin Mackenzie, who’s just arrived in Paris for a week’s visit.  We were lucky to cross paths here, as she’s coming from Germany and I’m headed there in just a few days, and shared travel stories over lunch this afternoon.

Congrats to Erin and Michael from under the Eiffel Tower

Congrats to Erin and Michael from under the Eiffel Tower

And to my older cousin Erin: we both wished we could have been there today.  I haven’t seen photos yet of course, but I just know the wedding must have been beautiful.  Best wishes for a long and happy marriage.