Last weekend I was feeling a bit more tired than usual.  Thinking that it was the product of too little sleep, I visited our local bootleg DVD shop of choice, stocked up on movies, and spent a lot of time resting at home and sleeping.  But by Sunday night, the fatigue was still overwhelming and my body had broken out into a lovely speckled rash.  By Monday morning, with a full-body rash, sore eyes, and swollen hands and feet, it was time to get my suspicions confirmed.  I visited the French Embassy clinic, one of the main expat medical facilities in town, and sure enough–it was dengue fever.  One of my housemates had also just found out she had dengue, and though we had different symptoms, I had a feeling this was what I’d find out, thanks to delinquent mosquito repellent use and many hours spent outside at night during my birthday party the weekend before.  Though the nickname for this mosquito-borne illness is “breakbone fever,” I was lucky enough to have a milder case with none of the characteristic fever or intense aches.

After a few blood tests to make sure I didn’t have the hemorrhagic (!)  variety of dengue, the French doctor sent me on my way…the only cure is time and rest (not,“more cowbell”), since it’s spread by a virus.  I’ll be feeling more tired for the next few weeks, and just have to do my best to avoid catching another strain of dengue, which is the main risk factor for the more serious kind.

But dengue couldn’t get me down for long.  The real reason that I’ve taken such a long break from posting is not because I was bedridden with a tropical illness, but because shortly after the diagnosis I found out about a last minute 6 day vacation from work, and went on my first trip away from Vientiane since I got here.  The full story is coming soon.

Where was I this week? Here’s a hint.