Of Snails and Cemeteries

Last night I met up with Melissa, my trip leader from the Experiment in International Living trip I took three years ago, the first time I went to Paris.  She’s leading another trip this year, and took me to dinner with her group of high schoolers, whose eager attempts to order in French reminded me of a time not so long ago when I got excited to see that the croque-monsieur was actually on the menu in France, and was not just the invention of my middle school French teacher.  Below, the escargots we had as an appetizer, which are so coated in pesto that I’m still not sure what they really taste like…which could be for the better.



Today, Clara and I went to the Père Lachaise cemetary, located in the one of the outer arrondissements and best known as the final resting place of Chopin, Jim Morrison, and other notables.  The most eccentric grave is probably that of Oscar Wilde, whose adoring fans have coated his tomb in kisses, which are cute, until the color wears off and they become somewhat disgusting grease stains.  Jim Morrison’s grave was the most packed, with flowers and cigarettes strewn about in his honor, crowds of tourists, and a few guys with a six-pack who had come to share some beers with the deceased.

kisses on Oscar Wilde's tomb

kisses on Oscar Wilde’s tomb

All of my Paris photos (so far) are up now, so check them out by clicking  the photos tab at the top.

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One Response to Of Snails and Cemeteries

  1. beth says:

    Never tasted snails. It looks superyummy. Wine will do better with it. Nice blog. Keep it up the good work.