
Le Penseur, the Thinker, in the Rodin Museum

Le Penseur, the Thinker, in the Rodin Museum

The first Sunday of each month, all the museums of Paris are free, so Clara and I decided to take advantage of the savings to check out some of the museums we’d never seen, the Centre Pompidou and Rodin Museum.  Pompidou houses the modern art museum, and along with the usual abstract artists and classics, there was an exhibit going on featuring women artists, that felt somewhat like walking through a twisted circus: rooms with strange sounds and videos playing (including one of someone hula-hooping with barbed wire!), carpets hanging overhead, pop art feminist posters, moving heaps of blankets.  It was a bit of an overload, but certainly interesting and worth seeing.

sight-seeing trifecta: Invalides, Thinker, Eiffel Tower

sight-seeing trifecta: Invalides, Thinker, Eiffel Tower

The Rodin museum was very pleasant, with half of the visit outdoors in some beautifully manicured gardens, and half in an old house on the premise.

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